Tableau Tips

Quick Tip: Create calculated fields from table calculations with drag and drop

This one is great for advanced developers and beginners alike. It’s a fast way to create a table calculation Calculated Field without having to actually think about it.

It’s Quick Tip time for Tableau Desktop!

This one is great for advanced developers and beginners alike. It’s a fast way to create a table calculation Calculated Field without having to actually think about it.

For beginners that’s great because you can see how these calculations are built so you can learn how to build your own custom ones.

For advanced developers, it’s a huge time saver when re-using table calcs in your worksheets. 2 minute video provided below.

Quick Tip: Drag and drop your Table Calc on your worksheet canvas to the fields in your data pane

A short YouTube video I made

I forgot about this one until I was reading up on the new Data Stories feature in Tableau’s documentation:

A Final Note

There are only more and more features coming out for Tableau Desktop, Online, Prep, etc. It’s becoming a more difficult discipline to be an expert in. Just keep working!

One last note… I run a company called We provide fully capable data teams to companies for the price of one full-time employee. If you’d like to come build Tableau solutions for us or contact us about a project you had in mind, please visit

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